Research and Teaching Assistant at the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the Bergische University of Wuppertal


  • Application of FE Program SOFiSTiK in Structural Engineering (master)
  • Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Fire as a scope of Fire Safety and Evacuation (master)
  • Theory of Plate and Shell Structures (master)
  • Safety Concepts (master)
  • Stability (master)
  • Statics 1 and 2 (bachelor)

Conducted seminars at Chamber of Engineers in North Rhine-Westphalia:

  • 04/2017 – Experience for hot design of tunnel structures, Düsseldorf
  • 06/2016 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Dortmund
  • 04/2019 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Düsseldorf
  • 04/2021 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures (web-seminar)
  • 05/2022 – Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures, Düsseldorf


  • Anders, S., Goldack, A., Müller, N.; Fracture properties in compression – determination of a compressive fracture energy using digital image correlation technique; The Eleventh International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS – 11, Bangalore, India, September 2023.
  • Pouran, O.; Comparison of Behavior of Steel free-standing Chimneys with Unfired Standing Pressure Vessel; CICIND Report from 98th Conference, Florence, 17-20 May 2023, 170-175.
  • Montag, U., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of one-way reinforced concrete ribbed slabs using different assessment methods; In: ASFE 21, Conference Ljubljana, 10th -11th June 2021 (web-conference).
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures; Web-seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Düsseldorf, 30. April 2021.
  • Harte, R., Stopp, K., Müller, N.; Konzeption und Aufbau einer standardisierten Beispieldatenbank für softwaregestützte Tragwerksberechnung in Anlehnung an
    VDI 6201 für den Einsatz von Statik-Software in BIM-basierten Prozessketten: Abschlussbericht, Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart, May 2020.
  • Pouran, O., Anders, S., Harte, R., Montag, U.; Influence of Variation of Concrete Compressive Strength on the Bending Response of a Cut-and-cover Tunnel Structure Considering Results of Small-scale Tests at Elevated Temperatures.; In: Proceedings of the international conference of applications of structural fire engineering (ASFE 2019), Singapore, 13-14 June 2019, P67.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R., Montag, U.; Thermal Actions and Effects in Persistent and Fire Design Situations on Reinforced Concrete Structures.; In: CICIND Report from 91st Conference, Madrid, 8-11 May 2019, 65-71.
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Düsseldorf, 10. April 2019.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Influence of Heating Rate and Thermal Incompatibilities on the Test Results of Concrete Cylinder Specimens with Polypropylene Fibers under Heating.; Proc. ASFE ’17 – Applications of Structural Fire Engineering, University of Manchester, September 7-8, 2017, 63-72.
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Structural fire design of reinforced concrete structures.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Duisburg, 22. June 2017.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R., Peter, C.; Parameters Affecting the Structural Analysis of a Tunnel Structure Exposed to Fire.; Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings, Vol. 7, 2017, 48-52.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R.; A Simplified Method to Design Cooling Tower Shells for Fire Situation.; In: Industrial Chimneys & Cooling Towers. Proc. of International Conference ICCT2016, Rotterdam/Netherlands, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2016, 353- 362.
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Brandschutzbemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen.; Seminar at Chamber of Engineers in NRW, Dortmund, 22. June 2016.
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Comparison of Design and Analysis of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys.; Journal of the IASS, Vol. 57, No. 1 (2016), 25-33.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R., Peter, C.; Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Cut-And-Cover Tunnels Exposed to Fire.; In: Proc. of Applications of Structural Fire Engineering ASFE’15, Dubrovnik, 2015, 43-48.
  • Harte, R., Kaemmer, K., Pouran, O.; Zur Berechnung und Bemessung von Kühltürmen und Industrieschornsteinen.; In: R. Höffer, R., N. Hölscher (Hrsg.): Festschrift Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Niemann. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2015, 67-75.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Nonlinear Structural Analysis of a 2D Cut-And-Cover Tunnel Exposed to Fire.; In: Y. Petryna, F. Vogdt (Hrsg.): Forschungskolloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis 2015, Döllnsee/Schorfheide, 15.-19. September 2015, 26-27.
  • Pouran, O., Harte, R.; Thermal Effects in Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures.; In: Proc. of Annual Conference on Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Stable Environment ACRCEAS 2015, Tehran/Iran, December 15, 2015, 117-118.
  • Harte, R., Pouran, O.; Interaction and Intersection in Research and Development of Cooling Towers and Concrete Chimneys.; International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys and Cooling Towers ICCT 2014, S. 199-208, Prague/Czech Republic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, October 8-11, 2014.
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